Sustainable packaging

Not only the raw material, not only the product, today the focus is on packaging: a real revolution in marketing and product health and safety, but today also a ground for innovation with a view to the circular economy. 

Plastic, glass, aluminum, which raw materials?

Everything starts with raw materials, everything ends up on land and in the oceans (and now even in space!). To design sustainable packaging, we need to rethink supply chains to reduce social and environmental impacts, but most importantly, as Europe reminds us, we need to adopt circular design criteria because 80 percent of impacts are defined at the conception and design stage.

Training and tools for circular design

We have defined some tools to assess the level of circularity of packaging, taking into account the degree of recyclability of packaging, the reduction of materials used, the choice of raw materials and the role that packaging plays towards the consumer, not only in terms of communication, quality and health and safety, but also in terms of information and cooperation for increasingly sustainable consumption.