Transformative partnerships

One of our strengths is that, over time, we have built strategic partnerships between for-profits, nonprofits, institutions, and innovative and successful startups. We are able to bring diverse organizations together in dialogue to achieve real impact. 

Never go it alone again, choose the right partner. 

We go faster when we’re alone, but we go further when we’re in numbers. We have learned from experience that this adage is particularly apt when it comes to achieving meaningful environmental and social impact – not surprisingly, the spirit that animates the United Nations’ 17th Millennium Development Goals. For an organization, having the right partners – NGOs, universities, trade associations, or other relevant stakeholders – on its side provides access to expertise and networks of relationships that are critical to achieving positive impact and mitigating risk, not to mention the reputational benefits.

Partnerships are how we innovate and create value.

Innovation processes in complex market environments find strength in the confrontation of heterogeneous stakeholders, if they are managed in a structured way. In recent years, we have seen entire raw material supply chains transformed by bringing together large companies and non-profit organizations. We have also seen new products emerge from collaboration between universities and companies united by the desire to preserve coral reefs, and new services proposed to combat domestic violence thanks to philanthropic investment.

Case history

Partnerships that transform the supply chain.

With the support of Bolton Food’s Sustainability Department, strengthened by the project started together since 2011, we facilitated the creation of an important transformative partnership with WWF Italy and WWF International. Thus, in 2016, the initiative “Rio Mare and WWF Together for the Oceans” was born: a project aimed at respecting the fundamental principles of sustainable fishing. In 2020, on the other hand, a second very important partnership was launched with Oxfam to promote an economy that respects human rights.